When will my baby start getting teeth?
Babies actually begin to develop teeth in the second trimester of pregnancy (about 16 to 20 weeks). Teeth typically begin to emerge between 6 and 10 months of age. You should begin flossing your child’s teeth as soon as they have two adjacent teeth.

Why are primary teeth important?
Primary teeth are critical to maintaining good oral health and proper development. Your child’s primary teeth facilitate:

We cannot emphasize enough how important it is that you take good care of your child’s primary teeth. Please make an appointment with our team if you have questions.

How often should my child visit the dentist? 
After your child’s first dental visit, our team will help you schedule regular visits with our dentists. Your child should visit the dentist every six months, or twice a year. If your child is more prone to dental problems, we may recommend more frequent visits as needed.

How do I care for my child’s teeth?
Your child’s teeth are important to their overall health and development. Here are a few tips on caring for your child’s teeth:

How do I care for my baby’s teeth?
You should clean your infant’s teeth daily. Before the teeth erupt, use a soft, damp cloth to gently wipe their gums and remove any lingering formula or milk. Begin brushing your baby’s teeth as soon as the teeth erupt. Use a soft-bristled baby toothbrush and a tiny smear of child-safe toothpaste for children under the age of 2. After age 2, use a pea-sized amount of toothpaste. Help your child clean their teeth at least twice a day. We recommend brushing and flossing your child’s teeth for them until about age 7.

How do I care for my baby’s oral health while pregnant?
Your oral health while pregnant is one of the determining factors of your baby’s dental health in the future. When pregnant, you should follow your regular oral healthcare routine, including receiving dental cleanings and exams. We recommend that you schedule a dental health checkup when you first learn of your pregnancy, as well as a second prenatal dental health checkup six months after your first appointment. Address all dental concerns immediately, even if they seem insignificant, and practice good oral hygiene throughout your pregnancy.

What is xylitol?
Xylitol is a natural substance that works to reduce and prevent cavities. It is especially effective for children, teenagers and individuals with special needs. Xylitol is found in many fruits and vegetables, including berries, mushrooms, corn and lettuce, and is also available in the forms of a concentrate, a gum and a sugar substitute. It works to neutralize acids in the mouth, reducing the risk of cavities and providing additional protection for the teeth. Xylitol may be consumed by children and teens, as well as by pregnant and expecting mothers to boost their child’s oral health.

Are dental X-rays safe for children?
Yes! Dental X-rays are very safe for children, and our dentists and team will make every effort to ensure that your child remains safe and comfortable when visiting our office. Advances in technology and the dental field continue to make dental X-rays safer through digital imaging technologies and higher-speed X-rays.

My child has damaged a tooth or developed a tooth infection. Are treatments for these problems available for children?
Yes. If your child damages a tooth or develops a tooth infection, our dentists can provide treatments to restore their tooth, smile and oral health. We will examine your child’s mouth to determine which treatment or combination of treatments will provide the best result and create a customized treatment plan to meet your child’s needs.

Is Nitrous Oxide safe?
Yes! Nitrous oxide, or “laughing gas” is a gas that very safely helps to reduce anxiety and pain during dental visits. Potential side effects such as headache or nausea can occur but are very rare. It is delivered with a “nasal hood” that rests gently on the nose, and it is always given alongside pure oxygen, making sure that your child is well oxygenated during and after treatment. It has the added benefit of acting quickly once given, then leaving the body within a few minutes after the end of treatment, so it won’t have any unwanted effects on your child through the remainder of the day.

What should I expect with teething?
Although every child’s response to teething may be vary, some common signs of teething include increased chewing on fingers, toys, or other objects, increased drooling, increased irritability, and a possible low-grade fever (99-100.4 degrees F). If you every have any concerns or questions about the teething process, please call or come in!

It’s a baby tooth. Won’t it fall out anyway?
While it is true that baby teeth will fall out eventually, they play a key role in the development of the permanent teeth, shape of the mouth, speech, and a child’s self-esteem. The front-baby teeth generally don’t fall out until age 6-8 while the back-baby teeth stay in the mouth until age 10-12.

If front teeth, or incisors, are lost too early it can result in difficulty in learning proper pronunciations of important vowel and consonant sounds. If back teeth, or molars, are lost too early in can result in lost space and crowded or even blocked out permanent teeth.

For these reasons we emphasize oral hygiene and a good diet and recommend fillings and restorations when cavities are present to keep them healthy and whole.

Are parents allowed to be present for treatment?
Yes! We are happy to have parents back with their children during treatment. Depending on a number of factors there are instances where children may behave better without their parent present, but we leave this decision up to the parent together with Dr. Bart, Dr. Matt, or Dr. Daniel.

When do the first teeth come in?
The first teeth generally come in at around 6-10 months of age, but there is a wide variety in timing between children. If you are ever concerned about a first tooth coming in sooner or later than listed above we would be happy to see your child.

When can I expect my child to lose their first tooth?
On average children lose their first tooth at age 6-7, but the timing varies widely between children. If you ever have a concern that a tooth seems wiggly earlier than expected or is still present longer than expected, we would be happy to see your child.