Our dental practice provides dental services for every single patient from infancy to senior age. We mean what we say when we provide comprehensive dental services in Highland and Lehi, Utah, for everyone. We cater our services to each individual to ensure you receive the personal treatment you deserve and achieve the results you are looking for. You and your smile are safe here with our dentist in Lehi, UT, because you have always been our top priority.
Dr. Brett Richins, DMD
Dr. CJ Dorny, DMD
Dr. Katie Gifford, DMD
board certified pediatric dentists
Dr. Barton Sloan, DMD
Dr. Matthew Jacobsen, DDS
Dr. Daniel Ford, DDS
Our Services
Our Pediatric And General Dentists Are Dedicated To Your Comfort
Drs. Brett Richins, CJ Dorny, Katie Gifford, Bart Sloan, Matthew Jacobsen and Daniel Ford help ensure you are always comfortable during your care from start to finish. If you have any questions or concerns, do not hesitate to ask during your consultation. We will answer your questions to make sure you feel confident about your dental care.